Vincent Giordano is a photographer, filmmaker and documentarian, dedicated to finding and recording the unique, collective memories of families and communities.
Mr. Giordano possesses a keen eye for subject and detail and his work is known for its aesthetic sensibility and technical excellence. His lens captures the world and it is then transformed. He creates unique, handmade platinum/palladium prints…a photographic process valued for its sheer physical beauty and timeless elegance. Today, only a tiny handful of skilled photographers choose to work in this medium.
Vincent Giordano has exhibited in many galleries and his work is included in numerous private collections. remembrance, Mr. Giordano's collection of 9/11 related portraits, is in the permanent collection of the New-York Historical Society. He has created several portfolios, including, Casino; Faces of the Last Romaniote Jews; Atlantic City Boardwalk; Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia; Central Park; Times Square; Airport People Mover and Grand Central Station. Currently, Mr. Giordano is creating a photographic record and documentary film about Romaniote Jews of Ioannina, Greece Before the Flame Goes Out is a unique and compelling history that mixes elements of the New York immigrant experience, Jewish and Greek history and stories of righteous Christians who saved Greek Jews during the Holocaust. Mr. Giordano conducts lectures and screenings of this work-in-progress documentary film. The presentation will benefit a general audience, as well as people interested in Jewish heritage, Greek history, NYC history and the creative filmmaking process. Mr. Giordano will take you along on his journey of discovery. He will relate his experiences creating and bringing to life this fascinating and important documentation from the original ideas and photographs to collecting oral histories and traveling to Greece to meet the last surviving Romaniotes. Mr. Giordano is available for consultation, photography and film design. Please contact him regarding your upcoming project. Awards: Clio Award Newsweek TV Campaign Clio Award Atari-Birth TV Campaign Clio Award Tootsie TV Campaign Clio Award Timex-Sports Watch TV Campaign Clio Award Timex-Great Watch TV Campaign Clio Award Timex Christmas TV Campaign Clio Award IBM Invisible Copier TV Campaign Clio Awards - Judge "Animation and Visual Effects" Grants: The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation The Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation The Lucius and Eva Eastman Fund Distinctions: Guest lecturer at the City University of New York Graduate Center, Before the Flame Goes Out, a work in progress presentation, Fall 2004 Represented the International Survey of Jewish Monuments at the International Conference on the Future of European Jewish Heritage, Prague, Spring 2004, presented Before the Flame Goes Out Presented Before the Flame Goes Out at the Greek Consulate in New York on the occasion of the Remembrance Day of the Holocaust of the Jews of Greece, Winter, 2005 Photography Portfolios: Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia Central Park Portraits in a Greek Village Tool Grand Central Station Casino Atlantic City Boardwalk Church Facades of the East End Flags of Remembrance Before the Flame Goes Out Faces of the Last Romaniote Jews Airport People Mover Exhibitions: Friends of Photography Members Exhibit, Carmel, CA Guild Hall of East Hampton Members Exhibit, Honorable Mention, East Hampton, NY Ann Harper Gallery, Keels and Wheels, Amagansett, NY Gallery 71, NYC. Sag Harbor Picture Gallery, My Favorite Places, Sag Harbor, NY Wainscott Gallery, Wainscott, NY Giraffics Gallery, Platinum Four/Color One, East Hampton, NY Freundorfer Fine Art Gallery, NYC Kehila Kedosha Janina Synagogue and Museum, Portraits of Our Own, 2002, NYC New York Historical Society, Radical Hospitality, 2004, NYC Juried Art Show, The Gaelen Gallery, 2004, Whippany, NJ |
© 2005 Vincent Giordano All rights reserved Do not duplicate without permission |